Saturday, June 30, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
Gave Up Sleep, but at Least I Have an iPhone
Apple wanted a spectacle when the iPhone went on sale, and it got just that.
Talking Business: iPhone Spin Goes Round and Round (June 30, 2007)
Dozens of photographers hovered outside Apple’s flagship store on Fifth Avenue near East 59th Street, waiting to snap pictures of the elated, often sunburned faces of the first iPhone owners. Some Apple faithful had waited in line for days.
At 6 p.m., their patience paid off.
“I guess I didn’t need to get in line because they have thousands of them in there,” said Norbert Pauli, 52, who had waited since Wednesday morning outside the Fifth Avenue store. The sweaty tangle of people who lined up there included a customer service representative for a trucking company who took a vacation day to make her first Apple purchase; a jazz musician who declared, “I don’t stand in line for anything”; and a tourist from Argentina who said he wasn’t even sure the phone would work once he got it home.
At Apple stores across the country yesterday, there were the so-called iCultists, the Internet entrepreneurs and technology consultants who would have surprised you if they said they didn’t wait in line all night.
Posted by
10:56 PM
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Friday, June 22, 2007
Bloomberg Traffic Congestion Plan Stalled
Mayor Michael Bloomberg's congestion pricing traffic plan for Manhattan has hit a roadblock in Albany.
State lawmakers failed to approve the plan that would include an $8 toll to enter Manhattan below 86th Street between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. on weekdays.
The legislature is adjourning for now, but it could be called back to Albany later this summer.
Thank God , how are they every going to enforce this toll ? It seems to me that it can't happen , WHAT DO YOU THINK ?
Posted by
9:38 AM
Labels: NYC
Thursday, June 21, 2007
JOE Imps day in Long Isalnd City, Queens happened on June 9 on a bright beautiful day. A street was named after him at the intersection of 47 ave and Vernon Blvd. All gathered here , community leaders, city councilman leaders and local residents all joined his wife Marie Imparado as they dedicated the block that he was born on and grew up in to be named after him.
Joe a life long resident had a restaurant named " JOE IMPS" that was on Jackson Ave a few blocks away. Joe served the community for all of his life, helping residents and the local church ( St. Mary) when in need.
Posted by
9:59 AM
Labels: NYC
Friday, June 8, 2007
How Big Will the iPhone Be?
The new must-have smartphone may be a $10 billion business—and could send Apple shares even higher
Few stocks trade on emotion the way Apple Inc. does. Its rip-roaring initial public offering in 1980 created the template for modern tech mania, while making Steve Jobs a gazillionaire. When the company fell on hard times in the mid-1990s, no amount of good news could pierce the cloud of doom hanging over investors. Now, with the launch of the hugely hyped iPhone in a few weeks, momentum investors are driving Apple (AAPL) shares to unexplored territory. The stock has doubled in the past year, to 122. Apple's market cap recently topped $100 billion for the first time.
Hard as it is to believe, all the excitement surrounding Jobs and his new toy may actually understate the impact of this device on Apple's fortunes. Beyond the hysteria surrounding its June 29 launch, the iPhone has the potential for adding a totally new, $10 billion-a-year business within just a few years. If Apple can expand so-called smartphones from a luxury carried by corporate road warriors into an everyday tool for the masses—combining the functions of a BlackBerry and an iPod—Apple could soon see a new growth tear.
Posted by
8:58 AM
Labels: Tech
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
NYPD taking bikes in NYC....
The NYPD was a little bike happy last Wednesday, May 30th. According to witnesses, they showed up without warning and used circular saws to cut the locks off of about 50 bicycles on 6th street between 1st and 2nd Avenue. The NYPD allowed people to take the loose bikes without showing any proof of ownership. They seized 15 bikes (including bikes locked to D.O.T. bike racks) and arrested two bystanders.
According to Time’s Up!, Robert Carnevale was arrested while videotaping the bike raid after he asked one of the officers for his badge number. Carole Vale, a nurse observing the scene, was also arrested when she asked why Mr. Carnevale was being detained. Mr. Carnevale was held for 22 hours and Ms. Vale was held for 13 hours. Time's Up!, along with the 6th Street cycling community are asking for a meeting with the commanding officer of the Ninth Precinct to explain the actions of the NYPD and to ask for their bikes back.
Reader Paul told us that his neighbor's bike was taken, in spite of her pleas that "she had an order from a judge labeling this practice as illegal" from a prior incident. Paul also gave us the verbiage of the 9th Precinct's bike program: "The 9th Precinct program recognizes the chronic bike rack shortage, allowing people to park their bikes at City-owned street fixtures and seeking only to remove bikes that are clearly abandoned, blocking the sidewalk or locked to a tree." (More about the 9th Precinct's bike program here.)
Executive Director of Time’s Up!, Bill DiPaola says, “Bikes should not be seized unless they are impeding the flow of traffic. This is a normal maintenance procedure that got way out of control.” He adds, “As seen last week, the police are not experienced with these types of procedures. This is a job for sanitation or for the local community, not the NYPD.”
Posted by
8:52 AM
Labels: NYC